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Pitchero Works 
Fullerians RFC

Case study:
Growing membership and increasing revenue with online payments.
Fullerians RFC use Pitchero Payments across their rugby club from minis to colts as well as the Ladies and Girls sections too. Club Secretary, Peter Samuel, thinks online is certainly the way to go:
Fullerians RFC Strip

“Pitchero Payments works really well. It helps us keep our database up-to-date. I would say definitely do it.”


Through the website, the rugby club offers an early-bird discount on their memberships to incentivise payment sooner rather than later.


That flexibility with the Payments system means it’s easy to set up products quickly with a range of price points or segmented so only certain audiences can buy them.


If a club doesn’t need to spend so much effort managing its finances, that’s a time saving but it also makes things more efficient:

“Registration used to be a paper exercise, collecting forms and cheques. It was an admin nightmare. Doing that all digitally, with a membership database, has cut down on the admin ten-fold.”


The impact on income is noticeably too. The speed of online transactions means the club has the money in next to no time:

“In terms of income, what it has meant is we collect a lot of it within that September to December window so we get most of it upfront, as opposed to chasing people come January.”


Should other clubs be doing online payments? For Fullerians RFC, their advice is to try it and judge the results based on income it helps to generate and time it saves:

“Test it with an age group and once they do it, they’ll see this is easy and really good. You’ll see the benefit immediately.”

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Fullerians RFC