According to Vice Chairman Steve Purnell, moving this part of club management online has reduced administration for those who’d prefer to concentrate on the football:
“We use Pitchero as a day-to-day fee collection system. One of the big headaches for the coaches was collecting cash on a weekly or monthly basis.”
Apart from the difficulty with managing cash and cheques without any quick means to bank it, there are the security implications and the extra work it creates.
“They (the coaches) have jobs to do and chasing money isn’t one of them. If Pitchero’s doing it online, it makes it a lot easier for everybody.”
ICA Sports have actively encouraged members to pay online through their Pitchero website and it has seen more registrations and advance payments to help with the club’s cashflow.
It also adds a further layer of credibility to a club’s offering as most of us shop online and are used to being able to purchase with a few clicks, whether products or memberships.