The fundraising option other clubs recommend.

Fundraising by shopping

We often say the best recommendations are word of mouth, and we couldn’t recommend easyfundraising enough for our clubs. Offering an easy, accessible, and continual way to raise free funds, easyfundraising gives clubs the chance to fundraise effortlessly through online shopping.

Sign up for an easyfundraising account to promote your cause

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Encourage supporters to shop with over 7,000 brands via easyfundraising


Automatically get cashback for your club any time purchases are made

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Easyfundraising in action

Big brands like Amazon, eBay, Just Eat, John Lewis, Screwfix, Etsy, M&S, Argos, Moonpig, Skyscanner, Waitrose, and 7,500 others want to give back to communities.

That’s why they have partnered with easyfundraising, so when someone shops online with them, the brand gives back a percentage of what an online shopper spends to your club; for free.

It’s like using a cashback site, but instead of the money going to one individual, as a collective – players, volunteers, social club members and sponsors can raise for your club.


For example, Coach Dave is buying a roof rack. Instead of visiting the Halfords website, Dave heads to the easyfundraising website first and then clicks on the Halfords link.

easyfundraising directs Dave to Halfords, where he buys what he needs. Because Dave started at easyfundraising first, his club will receive free funding directly from Halfords.

Dave is happy he’s sorted for his next adventure, and his club is delighted they have benefited from Dave’s smart shopping.


What’s in it for your club?

Not only does easyfundraising provide a continual income stream; that raffles, charity tournaments, and quiz nights are unable to offer, it enables people to give without it coming directly out of their pockets.


It takes the pressure off those who still want to give; but also the pressure off your club, as you have a low-effort fundraising option that can last all year.


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Benefits For Clubs

Simple set-up

Just sign up your cause on easyfundraising and create a page anyone can donate to.

7,000+ brands

Shoppers can choose from a huge range of brands for their weekly food shop to holidays or a new car!

Earn all year

The more your supporters shop, the more your club will earn with donations. 


See exactly how much you earn and from who. Understand what brings donations and thank supporters.

Trending Offers

Promote discounts and deals to your members and supporters to earn a higher cashback amount.

Free Marketing Help

Make use of the easyfundraising Fundraising Toolkit with images, posters, email and social media copy.

Next Steps

Contact Easyfundraising for an initial phone call and project briefing.

Find out more