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The Business Case of an artificial grass pitch

Even in these uncertain times, your club should plan for the future. Now is the time to consider installing an artificial grass pitch at your club.


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1. 60 hours of play!!

On its grass pitch, Cirencester Town FC managed around 4 hours per week of play so the focus had to be on senior weekend matches - to the detriment of junior teams.

“With the new artificial grass pitch, we have up to 60 hours of play, whatever the weather. This means over a weekend we can have as many as six games taking place.”

Add in the fact that an artificial grass pitch has meant they don’t have to cancel matches anymore, a picture begins to emerge....

“Training time has also increased. We couldn’t train on our natural stadium grass, but now we have up to 28 hours per week of training time for all the teams at Cirencester Town FC.”


2. Recruiting new players

The happy consequence of installing TigerTurf’s Premier Pro pitch is that it has encouraged new members to join the club.

Boosting your facilities creates a welcome ripple effect which travels across the community.

Soon new players start arriving wanting to train and play using modern facilities.

“Since we’ve had the new pitch, our junior teams have flourished with new players attracted to the club and new teams being established. We now have 20 youth teams which offer football to over 250 children, alongside our three adult sides. Our artificial grass pitch has revolutionised the club - it was definitely worth the investment.”

New members mean more membership fees, more kit sales and more clubhouse revenue.


3. Renting the pitch to other teams

Revenue from other teams has been a major source of new revenue for the club. Scott believes the reputation of TigerTurf's Premier Pro surface was key to this:


“Our Premier Pro surface is better than any other artificial grass, so clubs are actually prepared to travel further afield just to train and play at our facility.”

The club now host an extra 16 teams, outside of Cirencester Town FC, who use the surface. Each paying a rental fee by the hour.


The pitch continues to beat all expectations:

“We had to estimate the expected hours that we could use the artificial grass pitch for, but until it’s actually in use you don’t realise how big an impact it has on the club and the community.”

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