Why Pitchero

A list of key features we have updated in the last 12 months.

Match Fees

Clubs can now easily collect match fee payments from members directly through the Pitchero system.

Parents or players are able to pay for any or all match fees in a matter of minutes using the Pitchero Club app or their web account. Contactless, convenient and safe for everyone.

Set (or sets) of match fees

  • Webmasters and Team Admins can create one or more sets of match fees.
  • They can cater for different types of members and situations i.e.) starters, substitutes or students.

Prompt players for payment

  • Those who collect match fees for their club can prompt parents or players on the Match Fees page in the club control panel or via the Manager app

Track who has paid

  • This can be done in the club control panel or manager app by selecting a fixture and reviewing the players with a ‘paid’ status in green or a ‘Not paid’ status in red next to their name.

Mark a manual payment

  • If you receive match fees in person, they can be reconciled online against a player’s record to always keep an accurate record of who’s paid.

Payment of single/multiple match fees

  • Players/parents can view the match fees owed and select individual matches to pay or settle up all of the outstanding monies. 

Match fees (1)


Shop and Payments

New product creation and edit pages

  • A new and simplified layout makes it easier for your club to create any type of product to sell on Pitchero.

New Shop dashboard page

  • The new Shop and payments dashboard provides a summary of what’s happening at your club, including recent transactions and revenue, and a list of members who haven’t paid.
  • The dashboard also changes depending on what stage your club is at collecting payments e.g. yet to add a payment provider, yet to add a product, products all set up and money coming in.

New Shop assignments page

  • The new Assignments page is a great way for Webmasters to see who has/hasn’t paid across different products at once. Webmasters can also send followup payment prompts to all Not Paid assignments in one go.

Reorder product categories

  • At different times of the year, some product categories may be promoted more than others e.g. tickets for a club event in the off season, and membership in the build to the upcoming season.

Reorder product variants

  • Customise the order variants show to match how your club wants to sell products e.g. one-off payment showing before instalments

Add multiple images to products

  • Add multiple product images to provide more details of what the member is buying e.g. a hoody


Bulk remove member tool

  • Primary Webmasters can save time removing members from the Membership Database by doing it in bulk. 
  • Removing members should still be done carefully to ensure you only remove the member(s) that you wish to.

Filter by member's last logged in date

  • The member’s last log in date is a great indicator of their activity and engagement with the club. If a member hasn’t logged into their account in over a year, the club should communicate with the member differently to re-engage with them so the member doesn’t drift away.

Filter by members with/without the Club app

  • All registered members should have the Pitchero Club app on their phone. It’s the quickest and easiest way for members to stay up-to-date with everything going on at the club, and manage their own account, messages and schedule.

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