Why Pitchero

FAQ - We answer the most common payment questions asked by club officials.

1. How much does it cost?

Using our payment provider GoCardless, if your club was to collect £50 from a member, the club would be charged:

£2.15 if they used the Free package.

£1.65 if they used the Elite package.

£1.15 if they used the Ultimate package.

Compare these costs to the cost of:

  • Paying in cash or a cheque.
  • Visiting the bank, parking, queuing and processing paperwork.
  • Your time.
  • The risk of holding cash.

12. Incredible value for money

2. Is it safe?

Yes, Pitchero does not store bank information nor will this be presented in your control panel. 

Pitchero does not process the payment. Instead, we use GoCardless and Stripe who use military-grade encryption and are registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).


3. Can I download reports?

Absolutely. Every payment processed via your club website is recorded and presented in the club control panel.

Club officials can filter the data and create financial reports to download to Microsoft Excel.

4.Upload membership data (1) 

4. How flexible is it?

Very. You can use Pitchero Payments to collect:

  • Membership fees
  • Match fees
  • Fundraising and donations
  • Sports tour money
  • And much more


Plus, you can use the same system to sell products and services online, including:

  • Match tickets
  • Social events
  • Club merchandise 
  • Club kit
  • And much more

5. Does the system work with XERO, Saga or other accounting software?

No, but you can easily and quickly create financial reports which can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel and imported into your preferred accounting software.

You can even label the fields in your payment database to match the fields in your accounting software.


6. How do I get started?

Just click the link here to create your new Pitchero club website.

Or if you already have a Pitchero club website, go to your control panel and click Payments and Shop. If you require help or support, book a call with a Pitchero Account Manager.

2. Start today (1)